Vitamin Deficiency Just as Dangerous as Smoking

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

When was the last time you heard the saying “Smoke ’em if you got ’em”?

Probably a very long time ago.

That’s because the smoking era has long since passed. And many folks no longer “got ‘em”. For the last handful of decades, doctors and scientists have put smoking on the top of the heart-healthy risk factors list.

And with good reason — smoking can lead to deadly diseases like heart attack and stroke.

But recently, a groundbreaking study that analyzed data from 168 countries reveals there’s another health threat that’s just a dangerous as lighting up — being deficient in a certain heart-protective vitamin.

--Take K2 Everyday to Keep Heart Disease Away

Vitamin K2 is the focus of this amazing discovery, and if you’re a longtime reader of Living Well Daily, then you’ve probably already know it’s vital for heart health. This is because K2 helps drive calcium away from your heart and into your bones.

And this new research gives you even more reason to ensure you’re getting enough K2.

For the study, researchers took a look at food intake data from 168 countries. Then they connected these nutrient intake profiles with the death records of folks who died early (ages 15–64) from heart disease.

Next, the scientists statistically cross-referenced these results with other heart-health risk factors, including biological markers, socioeconomic status, lack of physical activity, gender and tobacco use.

Once they sifted through all the data, they found something incredible…

Folks who live in countries with very low vitamin K2 intake had double the risk of developing heart disease than those living in countries with higher K2 intake.

But what was even more shocking…

When they broke the numbers down a little further, the researchers found that low K2 levels and smoking carry the same amount of risk when it comes to dying early from heart disease.

This means if you have a vitamin K2 deficiency, you’re just as likely to die early from heart disease as someone who smokes.

In other words, if you’re not eating K2-rich foods like eggs, poultry, cheese and organ meats or taking a K2 supplement, you might as well be puffing away on a cigarette.

While the scientists report that more research is needed to solidify the link, I’m not willing to run the risk.

I’ll be taking my vitamin K2 supplement every morning with a big ol’ plate of eggs.

And you should think about it too.

Be sure to choose a K2 supplement that’s oil-based, so it’s easily absorbed by your body, and also offers a healthy dose of vitamin D3, so you get the maximum amount of heart-health benefits.

Live well,

Natalie Moore
Managing editor, Living Well Daily

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[1] Cardiovascular Disease Death Before Age 65 in 168 Countries Correlated Statistically with Biometrics, Socioeconomic Status, Tobacco, Gender, Exercise, Macronutrients, and Vitamin K

[2] Statistical review shows low Vitamin K2 as risky as smoking for heart disease

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